Cancellation and refunds

With regard to classes: If the Metal Smithery cancels a class or workshop a refund will be given, otherwise there are no refunds.


Expectations of conduct




Waiver of liability








We believe in art for all and wish to offer metalsmithing opportunities to ages 10 and up; but reserve the right to ask a student, of any age, to leave TMS if the safety and ability to comfortably work in the studio is compromised by his/her/their behavior. If a student is asked to leave within the first session or first hour of the time scheduled, a full refund will be given, otherwise no refund will be. Safety, empowerment, and freedom to explore and create in this space without judgement, harshness, rudeness, threat, or fear is of the utmost importance at The Metal Smithery and any person conducting themselves otherwise, will be asked to leave. If the person is under 18, the parent/caregiver will be called. The safety and community standards set forth by TMS staff, instructors, and space must be complied with.


A waiver of liability will be required at your first visit and if you would like to download it or see it now, you can find it here.